Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Slow Down!

Well, blogging on a regular basis has been a complete fail on my part! There are some days I am utterly exhausted and simply cannot think about one more task...I'm sure some of my fellow child life interns can sympathize! 

So here is the update on where I'm at right now:
I completed my inpatient rotation the first week of March and have been working in the ED since then.  I only have five weeks left and then graduation...I simply cannot process how fast this experience has gone by!  My goals lately have been to complete my special project, fine-tune my resume, apply to jobs (anywhere and everywhere) and register for the Child Life certification exam being held at national conference in Chicago, May 26. 

I absolutely love my work in the ED!  I experienced a taste of child life in the ED in my practicum at WakeMed last semester and am simply amazed at the difference it makes in the a child's healthcare experience.  You see, many times children who come in the ED are experiencing the hospital environment for the first time.  Something like an IV, MRI, or CT can seem foreign and scary when a child has led a relatively healthy life.  On the other end of the spectrum, we have children who come in as 'frequent flyers' who have been hospitalized numerous times and are well aware of what a visit to the ED may entail.  Words cannot express how great it feels to finally apply everything I have learned and work independently.

In the coming weeks as I am applying to jobs I would really appreciate all of your prayers!  I am applying particularly to jobs that are open for ED positions, but am applying all throughout the north/south east as well as midwest (mainly Texas).   I have no idea what God has in store, but am thankful that I still have the opportunity to continue working for Wilson Energy through the summer until I have secured a full-time job.  The child life field is small and it is difficult to secure a job right after graduating-many job postings want at least 1-2 years of experience.  However I feel confident that God already knows the doors he will open for me...I just have to be willing to take each step.  I promise will try to keep this blog updated as my last few weeks unfold!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best of luck with your progress in the child life field. I am a prospective child life intern and I know what you are going through. God bless
